At Watergate Hotel we have a wide array of different venue options that can match your event needs.
Our Venues can be categorized in two different types of classifications.
The First Venue Hall is Located inside the main Watergate Hotel Property. It can accommodate a small meeting of 30 people and up to a maximum of an event with 200 people.
The Second Venue Complex is Called “The Pavilion at the Watergate” which is located directly behind our property is composed of multiple venues in one complex. From a meeting place as little as 10 people to a grand wedding ceremony of 600 pax, equipped with a large parking area and perfect for a garden wedding, the Pavilion at the Watergate can handle.
Watergate hotel is the perfect place to be, with our reasonable rates we can create a remarkable event experience tailored to your budget. Let us know how we can make your private affair extra special.